Review of the Ethiopian Legal Cadastre

Project details




World Bank

Project Timeframe

April 2016 - April 2017

Key Services

Governance, Policy & Institutional Strengthening

Land Administration

Survey, Mapping & Spatial Planning

Project Design, Monitoring & Evaluation

LEI supported the Government of Ethiopia to conduct an urban cadastre review contributing to their Urbanisation visions.

Project Narrative

Ethiopia is one of the most rapidly urbanising countries in the world and is in a unique position to capitalise on the economic opportunities of this transformation. The World Bank, having recently undertaken the Ethiopia Urbanisation Review, supported the government to undertake the necessary steps to review and scale up the existing urban cadastre pilots, underpinning Ethiopia’s Second Growth and Transformation Plan.

LEI lead this urban cadastre review.

Key services provided

The main objective of this assignment was to deliver the first component of the Non-Lending Technical Assistance (NLTA) – Legal Cadastre project. This component aimed to:

  • Evaluate the legal cadastre pilot projects underway, and
  • Help prepare a plan for nationwide roll-out.

It aimed to assist the government to develop a framework to increase coverage and accuracy (including registration of land held by government entities for their own use), ensure compatibility across urban areas, and accelerate implementation nationwide.

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