Participatory Mapping and Planning (PMaP) 7

Project details




Millennium Challenge Account - Indonesia (MCA-I)

Project Timeframe

March 2017 - March 2018

Key Services

Survey, Mapping & Spatial Planning

Gender, Community & Inclusion

Land Administration

Building local government capacity in spatial planning across five districts in Riau Province.

Project Narrative

In late 2008, Indonesia was selected by the Millennium Challenge Corporation (MCC) Board of Directors as a country eligible for a compact. The Government of Indonesia (GoI; through the National Development Planning/National Development Planning Agency (BAPPENAS)), was responsible for coordinating the development and implementation of the Compact (MCA), which covered three key programs, one of which was the Green Prosperity (GP) Project. The Compact implemented gender activities, environmental assessments and social assessments to support program implementation.

Projects such as these respond to constraints to economic growth and were priorities in the GoI’s national development strategy. The GoI also made a commitment to reduce greenhouse gas emissions by 26 percent by 2020, while maintaining a target of seven percent annual economic growth.

The GP Project consisted of four procurement activities: (1) Participatory Land Use Planning Activity (PLUP); (2) Technical Assistance and Oversight Activity; (3) GP Facility Activity, and (4) Green Knowledge Activity. PMaP7 was the seventh project in a series of eight PLUP sub-activity projects. It covered three main tasks:

  • Task 2: Acquisition of geo-spatial data and preparation of geographic information system (GIS) databases on land use/land cover
  • Task 3: Compilation and geo-referencing of existing and pending licences and permits for land and natural resource use, and
  • Task 4: Enhancing district spatial plans through capacity building in spatial planning, enforcement and management of land use information in spatially-enabled databases.

PMaP7 undertook capacity building activities with local government in five districts in the Riau province (Kampar, Kuantan Singingi, Pelalawan, Rokan Hilir and Rokan Hulu districts).  The aim was for spatial information and technology to be more effectively used to develop spatial plans. In particular, this spatial planning incorporated low carbon/renewable energy activities in these plans.

Key services provided:

  • Kick-off meetings at the provincial and district levels to ensure the benefits of PMaP7 were understood by a wide range of stakeholders and that knowledge of the wider MCA-I program was established. Representatives from the sub-district and village communities were invited to attend (as requested by Bappeda Provinsi).
  • Collecting, assessing, analysing and processing geo-spatial data to map land cover and for this to be used  in the five districts.
  • Identifying missing, inaccurate, outdated and inconsistent data with recommendations to acquire data and resolve inconsistencies, and
  • Developing and implementing a comprehensive stakeholder action plan.
  • Collecting legal instruments and analysing regulatory procedures for land management
  • Collection, compilation and geo-referencing of land use concessions, permits and licences, community claims and customary forests and land disputes to input in the IMS
  • Analysing geo-referenced data to identify under-utilised and damaged land, overlapping/conflicting concessions/permits/licences, gaps or inconsistencies in data
  • Assessing procedures for community consultation, data exchange and sharing
  • Reviewing and reporting on the operations of OSS licensing procedures, and
  • Providing guidance on policy and improved operational mechanisms to approve concessions, permits and licences and resolved disputes and monitor and evaluate implementation and adherence to legislative requirements.
  • Building the capacity of government entities who collect, manage, update and make decisions based on land use and land cover data, and land use licence and permit information (collected in PLUP Activities 2/3), and
  • Establishing systems that use this data, which are sustainable and transparent. This was particularly important where planning/licensing decisions were concerned.
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